social and contextual mechanisms of health.

While identifying disparities experienced by SGM is imperative, research focused solely on describing prevalence is limited in its ability to identify solutions, inform theory, and may over-pathologize by not acknowledging contextual drivers and population resiliencies. For those reasons, my work has extended beyond simple documentation of disparities to one that employs multiple levels of analysis to examine complex mechanisms, as well as potential risk and protective factors. Across multiple interconnected studies, I have examined the role victimization, social support, and school climate play in the formation of mental and physical health problems. For example, in a longitudinal analysis of SGM youth I demonstrated that psychological distress and victimization tend to get better over time, and that this is due to decreases in experiences of victimization. Furthermore, my research has also attempted to tease apart empirically the complicated role of social relations in both the formation of and protection against homophobia. For example, I integrated social network analysis and multilevel modeling to demonstrate the socialization of homophobic behavior within adolescent peer groups over time, and that peer masculinity attitudes play an important role in this socialization for young male peer groups.